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The Silver Surfer's Blog

Jenni Robson

The Silver Surfer Blog No 4: Out Of The Fog & Into Print!

Since my last Silver Surfer Blog where I can safely say, at the time, I was lost in a fog, and my creative mojo had gone off for a walk, or even a sprint, on its own. I sort of knew that it would pass, that I needed to be patient with myself and just ‘be’ with how I was feeling… easier said than done you say, absolutely and I did wonder (at times) whether I had come to the end of my creativity?

 I’m not usually one to give up so I started looking for new challenges, new inspiration, new direction, in fact a big change really! What did I do? Reviewed what I loved to do, my favourite things, chatted to other creatives and checked what was in my bucket list (well I am of silver surfer age). Lo and behold, I went to an open day at The Leicester Print Workshop and I am excited to say that I’ve joined an introductory 6 week course for beginners. I made up my mind I had to step right out of my comfort zone and ‘give it my best shot!'

linocut prints, print workshop, workshop final artwork, printing, Jenni Robson, Silver Surfer Blog
Linocut prints on the rack at the end of a creative afternoon

Seeing the prints drying on the rack gave me that fuzzy feeling of being in the right place :0)

The first taster session was with Sarah Kirby, an amazing lady who taught us how to cut lino and print (single colour). Sarah is such an inspiring teacher and the whole experience was just what I needed. Sarah advised not to copy pre-prepared drawings (I had drawn quite a few) but quickly sketch an idea on paper and then tweak and redraw direct onto the lino. A scary out of control moment for me yet it felt good to just 'go for it'. You will see in the photos the initial idea, the print and lino. It’s a weird thing because it requires thinking opposites – any cut lines/marks will be white and uncut areas will be printed black, and of course when you print the image, it's a mirror of the original. Wacky bird or what?

Photos: Initial sketch, first proof, proof after adjustments, lino cut & close up, & prints by course attendees

I loved the whole creative printing experience and it reminded me of my college days. Next week it's mono screen printing and I can't wait! Links are below for Leicester Print Workshop and Sarah Kirby.

Next Chapter for the Silver Surfer Blog?

Now getting a taste for trying something 'new', I also looked at what else I could do and in a couple of weeks I'm going to check out the Leicester Bookbinding Group that's based at Tudor Print Finishers. Can't tell you how excited I am about that too and no doubt it will be in the next 'blog' chapter of my little creative adventure.

This Week's Message

A message from Pooh Bear who is so very wise...

"But it isn’t easy, said Pooh. Because poetry and hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you."

Pooh Bear, A.A Milne.

Contact details for the print workshop:

If you want to snap up a piece of my work as I've a feeling change is a coming, these are the places to go: (links to the shop on each product page)

You can follow me on social media: @jennirobsonart

See you there!


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