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The Silver Surfer's Blog

Jenni Robson

Welcome To The Silver Surfer's Blog!

My name is Jenni Robson and I'm an artist, author, designer and maker. And despite the photo showing a lovely scene of the sea I actually couldn't live further away from it as I'm in the East Midlands, UK. I live in a gorgeous town, Market Harborough and I love it ... apart from the lack of the seaside.

As regards to being a silver surfer, I have white hair and the only surfing I do is in life - falling off regularly but having much fun along the way. I've tried paragliding, windsurfing, water skiing, jet skiing, sailing but never surfing - the whole shark thing put me off! I've played rugby, rode horses and will have a go at most things so being scared of what's under the water is a tad daft really. Anyway I digress and as you will find, I'm a chatterbox.

Silver surfer, artist author and maker Jenni Robson on the seafront in St Andrews Scotland. Wearing a bright red waterproof jacket and blue trousers, smiling Jenni is ready for the next adventure
Silver Surfer by the sea

Photo taken on the sea front in fabulous St Andrews, Scotland.

The thing that really makes my heart sing is being creative - I'm sure my right brain is more developed than my left ...and yet, I currently work part-time for a building society which is totally left brain. I know it doesn't make sense but that's how it is.

A Creative Silver Surfer

Attending a primary school that was very pro the arts was the best start for me. My first paid commission to paint was during secondary school. Art school, university and amazing opportunities along the way ensured a creative career. Most of it was spent as a graphic designer, although I've worked in the theatre in the scenic painting dept, in exhibitions, display: building scenery, decorating theme park rides, designing and making costumes, animated walk through shows, props and more. There are lots of stories to tell which will no doubt appear as I go along on this blog surfing chapter of my life. Now, I paint, make and the latest thing is writing books. I have no idea if anyone will read this but I will have a great time writing regardless x

This Week's Message

As a wise lady (Michelle) in my 'left brain' job recently said to me, she'd decided to "be more like a duck". As in, don't let things get you down ... water off a duck's back! Although I will add to her suggestion that the duck's little feet under the water paddle jolly hard yet the body and head always look cool. Maybe Michelle's right in which case, this week is 'duck week'!

I will continue with my ramblings every couple of weeks (maybe more if there's a good story to tell) but if you'd like to check out my creative work there are several places for you to explore, and even buy. I will blow my own trumpet and say it's worth having as it's created with love and beautifully made.

P.S. Never played a trumpet in my life but happy to have a go - watch this space. (there are also links to the relevant shops on each product page)

I'm also on social media: @jennirobsonart


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